"Christ on the Cross bows His head, waiting for you,
... that He may kiss you; He stretches out His arms,
that He may embrace you; His hands are open,
that He may enrich your; His body is spread out,
that He may give Himself totally; His feet are nailed,
that He may stay there; His side is open for you,
that He may let you enter there."
St Bonaventure is called the "Seraphic Doctor" because he revealed
certain warmth toward others as a divine fire. His leadership with the
Franciscans, following St Francis of Assisi, expressed itself by showing
charity, goodwill and ardent affection toward others besides having
great discernment in decision-making and judgment.
He offers to
help us, as will all those in heaven, when we petition him for help. We
can truly be transformed and change our habits and attitudes only with
divine assistance. We must help ourselves but most interior betterment
only comes with divine assistance.
Do you really want to live and
love passionately? Everyone loves cheerful, enthusiastic and unselfish
givers. Our doctor's generosity and kindness toward others were fervent
and caring. How do we obtain that kindness and caring?
Bonaventure tells us to look carefully at the crucified Christ.
Gradually this practice will enable us to become more compassionate and
understanding toward others. People will begin to see God in you, even
if you don't. Then, you will shine like a seraph, the highest rank of
angels, as Bonaventure.
When we humble ourselves, reflect upon
the crucified Lord often, and share unselfishly, acting with goodness
toward others, Jesus mysteriously becomes alive in us, and is plainly
seen by others.
More on St. Bonaventure: http://www.doctorsofthecatholicchurch.com/BO.html