Monday, July 22, 2013

Sept 2012 Novice for Rockford Poor Clare Colettines

Almost a year old but still wonderful news for anyone who hasn't seen or know of this!  The pictures and captions come from a good friend "JF" who was able to attend this Clothing Day and posted these on her FB page.  To read her vocation story, go here.

Her new name as a Poor Clare Colettine is "Sr. Mary Agnes of the Divine Bridegroom"!  The Poor Clare Colettine monastery she entered is in Rockford, IL, whose website is here and a page on their life here.

When asked her if she got to pick her dress, she replied yes, she did. They have a few different ones there.  She requested to add the blue sash/ribbon in honor of Our Lady.

Msgr. Kurz, the nuns' chaplain, is blessing the Holy Habit during Holy Mass.

 Then a while after the Holy Mass and a silent thanksgiving, the ceremony began in the parlor with a blessing from Fr. Arial, a Rockford priest she knew well. They were all singing as they opened the curtain. She looked so beautiful in that dress and so happy!!!

These nuns have several younger sisters, but these, I am pretty sure, are the oldest in the community around her. I believe because monasteries usually process by age (of profession) with the youngest first .. so the younger ones were in the hallway.

They have 20 altogether there now (as of Sept 2012), I believe there are more.

The Poor Clare Colettines are one of the few orders left who us the centuries old tradition, custom of the postulant wearing a bridal gown on her day of Clothing.  The PCCs also honor this beautiful tradition because the postulant IS a fiance and soon-to-be Bride of Christ (on her Solemn Profession Day) and because on the day she ran off to join St. Francis and he cut her hair, St. Clare of Assisi wore her finest gown, other garments, head wear and jewels when she gave herself to God.

Here is the above young girl, now Sr. Agnes of the Divine Bridegroom, clothed in her holy habit with the Crown of Flowers.

Sr. Agnes with her Novice cake topped with the Franciscan Crucifix of San Damiano.

Sr. Agnes, filled with Franciscan Joy!

As a novice, Sr. Agnes is now a certified barefoot Poor Clare Colettine!  Postulants are not allowed to go barefoot, besides other "leniences" given to them that are lifted when a novice.  Though you can't see her feet in this picture.


  1. What a beautiful Poor Clare Novice! God bless her! :D

  2. I am so very happy for her may God, bless her...Pax et Bonum!!!

  3. I am not even Catholic, but I felt real joy at hearing her story and seeing her smile. May the Lord God bless her

  4. Peace and Good!
    Excuse me, sisters, but I am a Franciscan barefooter, and I ask you: Why postulants are not allowed to go barefoot?
    At Capuchin Sisters of Nazareth even the candidates begin right away being barefoot, as you can see on their site:
    I wish you the blessings from Jesus, Mary, Francis and Clare!
    Fraternal kiss!
    Br. Alberto Guimaraes OFS
    Braga - Portugal
