Thursday, June 13, 2013

For St. Anthony's Feast Today: Two Sermons by Franciscan Friars

**Due to Blogger's lousy way of letting you list videos from YouTube, I can't put the actual videos on my post.  So you can either click on the link (if it works) or cut and paste the link into your browser.  For those who don't use Blogger or know of it, to post a video you have to put the NAME of the video that the owner used into the video feature to post it - NOT the http address like WordPress does.  So what happens is many times the video you want to post doesn't appear in the list of choices!  It is SO annoying!  So here are the links for these two videos.**

One of the greatest saints in the history of the Church, St. Anthony of Padua was gifted with many extraordinary miracles and supernatural abilities, but Father explains that what made St. Anthony a great saint was his profound love of God. As Franciscans we look to St. Anthony for the desire to love God even to the point of shedding our blood with martyrdom.
Ave Maria! 

Fr. Joachim on the life of St Anthony of Padua and how his great holiness was only slowly made manifest, in God's good time, first by his eloquence in preaching, then by his miracles on earth and finally in heaven as a powerful intercessor for the faithful.
Ave Maria! 

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