Friday, April 5, 2013

St. Margaret of Cortona, Third Order Penitent and Saint

February 22nd we also the feast day of Saint Margaret of Cortona (1247-1297), a model of Christian redemption and conversion. Saint Margaret is sometimes referred to as the Second Mary Magdalene, recognized for her turn from sin to exemplary holiness. For more on the life and sainthood of Saint Margaret of Cortona.

Pope John Paul II prayed to Saint Margaret, while on pilgrimage, in 1999. The text of his prayer follows:

O Saint Margaret of Cortona, I too come today as a pilgrim and I pause to pray with you at the feet of the image of Christ Crucified and Risen, whom, as a penitent, you contemplated at length. Lord Jesus, crucified for us, in offering yourself on Calvary for all humanity, you have revealed to us the wellsprings of everlasting life. May the mystery of your Passion enlighten our life making us ready to follow you on the way of holiness and love. Rekindle our faith; teach us to recognize and welcome in our everyday life the plans of your mysterious Providence. Give us the courage to confess our sins and open our hearts to sorrow, in order to receive the gift of your mercy. Empower us to forgive our brethren following the example of your love that knows no bounds. Help us to be humbly disposed to repair the harm we have done by actively and generously serving the poor, the sick, and all who are marginalized and without hope. Give everyone the joy of persevering faithfully, in full harmony with the Church, along the way of the particular calling. Above all others, show the young the splendid plan of love that you intend to bring about for them and with them at the threshold of the new millennium. Enable us to be peacemakers, tenacious weavers of daily relationships of fraternal solidarity, artisans of reconciliation, witnesses and apostles of the civilization of love. O glorious Saint Margaret of Cortona, present this request to your Crucified Lord and ours. Guide us with the strength of your example, support us with your constant protection, be our companion we beg you, till we reach our Father's house. Amen.

Today, we pray to Saint Margaret of Cortona for the grace of conversion, sincere repentance, and the ability to both discern and follow the voice of Jesus. Saint Margaret of Cortona, Pray for us!

O holy Margaret of Cortona, I am here before this image of Jesus crucified which has spoken to you so many times. Obtain for me, too, the grace of hearing His voice: Through His Word, Through prayer, And the events of life.

O Jesus Crucified, increase my faith and grant me, as you granted to holy Margaret, the grace of a sincere repentance from my sins;
make me at one with the most needy
and accompany me, I ask you, to the Father's house. Amen

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