Tuesday, June 2, 2015

St. Padre Pio Quote

St. Padre Pio

"The field of battle between God and Satan is the human soul. This is where it takes place every moment of our lives. The soul must give free access to our Lord and be completely fortified by Him with every kind of weapon; His light must illuminate it to fight the darkness of error; he must put on Jesus Christ, His truth and justice, the shield of faith, the word of God to overcome such powerful enemies. To put on Jesus Christ we must die to ourselves."

-  St. Padre Pio
Poor Clare Colettines of Barhamsville, NC:

Ascension Thursday and Sacred Promises

On Thursday, the Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord, we had the special joy of witnessing our Sister Maria Christi take her next step in formation.  Sister is a finally professed Sister from an apostolic congregation who has discerned a contemplative vocation with us for the past few years.  Here she makes her Sacred Promises to observe her vows according to our Poor Clare Rule and also makes a Vow of Enclosure.

Entrance Procession

Mother Abbess exhorts her to the faithful observance of our Rule

Sister pronounces her Sacred Promises and her Vow of Enclosure

Signs of a Professed Sister
Black Veil and Knotted Franciscan Cord
Festive Flower Wreathe 

All dressed up!


Offertory Procession
