Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Mother Mary Cherubina Clare of St. Francis, Poor Clare nun and mystic

This is a front cover of a wonderful book on this Poor Clare nun, Mother Mary Cherubina Clare of St. Francis called, "Life of Mary Cherubina Clare of St. Francis", by Maria Saraceni, translated by Lady Herbert.  The book was written in 1874.

This book is available to read online here.  I had bought the hard copy (paperback) at Amazon here.

Mother Mary Cherubina Clare as born in 1823 and entered the Monastery of St. Clare in Assisi in 1845 and eventually became Mother Vicaress.  She died in 1871 with many miracles attributed to her.  She was a mystic and received revelations.  Wonderful and beautiful story of a Poor Clare nun.   

I found this info on her on The Hagiography Circle which keeps track of causes, canonizations, saints, etc, the site.

3) 01 February in Assisi, Perugia (Italy)
        professed religious, Poor Clares
        born: 08 December 1823 in Rome (Italy)
        diocese of competent bishop: Assisi-Nocera Umbra-Gualdo Tadino
        CCS protocol number:
        type of cause: heroic virtues

        opening of informative process:
        closing of informative process:
        nihil obstat: *
        petitioner: Protomonastero di S. Chiara, P.za S. Chiara, 1, 06081 Assisi (PG), ITALY
Note: The transumptum of the diocesan process is stored in the archives of the CCS.