Sunday, September 9, 2012

St. Francis Speaking of the Love of God

"St. Francis would lament with tears, crying over and over again, 'Love is not loved! Love is not loved!" We love you Jesus and thank You so much for loving us, giving Your life to save us from certain death and eternal torment. You are too good to us. Thank You Jesus, Savior! Amen."

September 17th Feast of the Stigmata of Our Holy Father Francis

St. Francis' Stigmata Prayer

O Lord Jesus Christ, who when the world was
growing cold, didst renew the sacred wounds of
Thy sufferings in the body of our holy Father
St. Francis in order to inflame out hearts with
the fire of Thy divine love, mercifully grant that
by his merits and intercession we may cheerfully
carry our cross and bring forth worthy fruits of
penance. Who livest and reignest forever and
ever. Amen.